Wednesday 11 July 2007

The Forgotten Blog

Naughty me!

I started off well, with posting once a day but just recently I've been fairly busy and not very creative when it comes to making a post. Just lately there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to do.
Here's just a few things which have been consuming my time.
  1. The day job - I've been tasked with a new project which if I do well could result in me getting a new Job title and perm position with this company.
  2. Business Accounts - Believe it or not I have an accountant who does this but I'm not very organised so when it comes to the end of the quarter I have to make sure I've printed out copies of invoices, receipts etc and that they match the statement I keep telling myself why don't I get more organised and print the darn things out as I get them.
  3. The family and Harry Potter - We have just finished watching The prisoner of Azkaban on Sunday and Chloe can't wait to see the next one.
  4. Web Hosting - For those of you who don't know I run a Web Hosting company and own two servers in London this past week I've been upgrading the server software and also automating some of the website features.
  5. Command & Conquer Tiberian Wars - Need I say anymore.
  6. Sleep - Currently getting 7 hours a day

What's going on with the weather hopefully it will stop soon and we get some nice sunshine; on Sunday our road was flooded and we live nowhere near a river or a stream etc.

I seemed to find it funny with the cars going by and the amount of water on the road, I guess I wouldn't have been laughing if the water got any closer to our front door though.

The 8 miles I cycle to and from work each is proving hard work in this weather as well, as a lot of it is uphill with the rain and the wind last Friday I was almost tempted to turn around and get the bus, however I just thought of the money I would be saving not doing that.

Well there you have it a slightly longer post whch hopefully will make up for the lost days.


Anonymous said...

Not everyone posts every day, post when you feel like it or it will become a chore!
Pol x

ArcticFox said...

it's true.... not everyone considers blogging to be a full time job.....

I can't help being a weirdo!!


KJ said...

Hi Blue...thanks for the good wishes. I'm happy to say the pain has receded greatly (probably because the swelling around the sutures is going down) so I was actually able to sleep last night!

Don't worry about not blogging regularly...its not an obligation....blogging is about you and your own go at your pace or as Pol said: it will run the risk of feeling more like a chore than the wonderful self indulgent pleasure that it truly is.