Sunday 24 June 2007


After finding an old friend on the web recently and his blog, I felt compelled to create my own.

Blogging seems rather cool. there are a lot of good blogs out there which differ to the normal rubbish such as
  1. I woke up this morning
  2. I had a wash
  3. Ate some lunch
  4. Went to bed
Let's just hope my blogs are more inspiring than the usual...

Lets Get Started...

Blue-skimonkey - the idea behind my name is quite simple.
  • My Favourite colour is blue
  • I love skiing
  • and Monkeys are very cool
I live in Leicester and spend the majority of my time working, there never seems to be enough time in the day for what I need to do but somehow I manage to balance all the things.

During the day I work as an IT Contractor for a company in Leicester providing desktop support to the local site, and also remote sites in Europe. Alongside this I also run a successful web hosting company, eBay business, and do freelance programming work for small businesses.

So there you have it my working life is quite busy! my goal in life is to be able to work from any location in the world with just the Internet as my source of income.

Apart from working I have a lovely daughter and girlfriend having a family is great it took a while for me to learn the true balance between work and family at first I was working all the hours possible to try and earn more money but then realised my partner and daughter was loosing out and that money is not everything, since my revelation I have cut back on the work I do to ensure I spend quality time with the ones I love.

So there you have it my first blog! I'm amazed that I have put words to paper (so to speak), I'm normally quite lost for words.

1 comment:

ArcticFox said...

Like a dog whizzing against a lamp post, it doesn't take much effort to leave your mark!!