Yesterday afternoon I received a call at working stating that I had to get home quickly as our house was on fire and that the fire brigade and police were waiting to speak to me.
So I quickly dashed home with all thoughts in my mind mainly
So I quickly dashed home with all thoughts in my mind mainly
- What did I leave switched? (The computers)
- Did I let the cats out?
- I hope the fire is not in the computer room as I need the CD Duplicator / Printing this weekend.
- My smart invites stock and CD's.
By the time I got home I was quite worried to what state the house would be in, and was rather relieved to enter the street and not see the fire brigade still putting out a fire.
It turns out some kids, put our green recycle bin near the back gate and set light to it, which then set the garage door on fire and started burning the stuff behind the door. Luckily there is not much in that garage apart from junk.
If only the message I was given earlier whilst at work was `the garage is one fire' I wouldn't have been so worried.