It seems and has been so long ago since I last blogged, a lot of this is to do with the upcoming wedding show for our new business idea still lots to complete and only 15 / 16 days to go. It’s my own fault I’m telling myself all those hours and days wasted away when I should have really been programming the new website.
I’ve also been spending a lot of time on Facebook, which I think is 100x better than myspace. Facebook is quite simply great but also creepy as any of your friends can spy on what you do without you knowing, and thus know what you get up to day to day I guess it’s kind of like blogging really.
The only thing I find annoying with facebook is the amount of application requests you get and no matter how much you decline them your friends shortly send you a request again Grrr.
Last weekend was a great one we went to a friend’s fancy dress party I of course decided to go as Rambo, which went down well, and I came 2nd in the competition for best costume.

We started off in an ex serviceman working club with plenty of cheap drinks to get us all in the mood, then at the end of the night about 10 of us went to a busy nightclub in Leicester where we got mobbed.
It was a weird one:
- Girls trying to steal my wig and gun – one girl actually nicked my wig and I had to chase her for 5 minutes!
- Guys feeling my muscles – weird I expected the girls to want a feel.
- People asking for photos with their friends.
- The DJ Announcing Mr. Incredible and Rambo are on the dance floor.
However it was a fun packed night and I am certainly looking forward to the next fancy dress event, maybe Zombie Slouch in Huddersfield – watch out Mr. Fox.